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Search for Uveal melanoma (UM)
ncRNA name ncRNA Category Disease name Species Tissues/Cell_line Expression pattern PubMed ID Detail
AC002064.5 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
AC003092.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
AC004540.5 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
AC007879.7 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
AC009784.3 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
AC017002.2 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
AC018647.3 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
AC022007.5 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
AC023137.2 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
AC079610.2 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
AC084082.3 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
AC090505.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
AC090505.6 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
AC092614.2 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
AC106053.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
AC106706.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
AC147651.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
Akt siRNA siRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell lines associated 27881235 Detail
AMPK siRNA siRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens primary choroidal UM cell line: Mel202, Mel270, Mel290, 92.1 and OCM1A; liver metastasis cell line from Mel270: Omm1.3 associated 23443802 Detail
ANRIL lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens human UM cell line OM431; human cutaneous melanoma cell line A375 up-regulated 27461581 Detail
B-Raf siRNA siRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens human UM cell line 92.1, Mel270, OCM-1 and TP31 associated 16452469 Detail
B-RafV599E siRNA siRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens choroidal melanoma cell line OCM-1, MKT-BR and SP-6.5, normal choroidal melanocytes associated 12917419 Detail
bta-miR-2287 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Bos taurus dog UM samples down-regulated 28512868 Detail
bta-miR-2382 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Bos taurus dog UM samples down-regulated 28512868 Detail
bta-miR-2398 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Bos taurus dog UM samples down-regulated 28512868 Detail
bta-miR-2411 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Bos taurus dog UM samples down-regulated 28512868 Detail
c-Met siRNA siRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens human UM cell lines M23 and SP6.5 associated 22848417 Detail
c-Met siRNA siRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens human UM cell lines C918, Mel290, Mel285, Omm1.3, Omm1, 92.1 associated 24140933 Detail
CANT1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell lines MUM2B, 92.1, OCM1, OCM1A, OM431 and SP6.5; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293T; RPE cell line ARPE19; female uveal tissue cell line FPC1 down-regulated 28330694 Detail
cfa-miR-124 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Canis familiaris UM samples up-regulated 28512868 Detail
cfa-miR-130b miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Canis familiaris UM samples up-regulated 28512868 Detail
cfa-miR-155 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Canis familiaris UM samples up-regulated 28512868 Detail
cfa-miR-182 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Canis familiaris UM samples up-regulated 28512868 Detail
cfa-miR-362 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Canis familiaris UM samples up-regulated 28512868 Detail
CITF22-92A6.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
CREB shRNA shRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell lines OMM2.5 and Mel270 associated 29899845 Detail
CRNDE lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, blood associated 23861464 Detail
CTB-30L5.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
CTB-60B18.10 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
CTC-296K1.4 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
CTC-350I8.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
CTC-360G5.9 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
CTC-448D22.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
CTC-498J12.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
CTC-523E23.4 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
CTD-2015H3.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
CTD-2015H3.2 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
CTD-2081C10.7 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
CTD-2143L24.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
CTD-2171N6.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
CTD-2199O4.3 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
CTD-2199O4.7 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
CTD-2227I18.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
CTD-2349P21.5 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
CTD-2528L19.6 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
CTD-3025N20.3 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
CTD-3064H18.2 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
CXCR4 siRNA siRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens human UM cell line OCM3 associated 19553629 Detail
E6/E7 siRNA siRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens human UM cell lines OCM1, OM431, VUP and SP6.5 associated 23494180 Detail
FABP3 siRNA siRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens primary UM cell line 92.1 associated 22570344 Detail
FENDRR lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
FOXCUT lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens choroidal melanocytes, cell line:C918 down-regulated 29260433 Detail
FTH1P3 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29095823 Detail
FTX lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell lines MUM2B, 92.1, OCM1, OCM1A, OM431 and SP6.5; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293T; RPE cell line ARPE19; female uveal tissue cell line FPC1 down-regulated 28330694 Detail
GNAQ siRNA siRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell lines OCM1, OMM2.3 and 92.1 associated 30320917 Detail
GNAQ siRNA siRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens primary choroidal UM cell line: Mel202, Mel270, Mel290, 92.1 and OCM1A; liver metastasis cell line from Mel270: Omm1.3 associated 23443802 Detail
HCCAT5 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
HIF-1α shRNA shRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens human UM cell lines OCM1, Mel285, Mel290, 92.1 and OMM1 associated 25166211 Detail
HOXA11-AS lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples; UM cell lines OCM-1A, MUM-2C, C918 and MUM-2B; melanocyte cell line D78 up-regulated 28749709 Detail
hsa-circRNA10088-11 circRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal uveal tissues up-regulated 30700934 Detail
hsa-circRNA10088-5 circRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal uveal tissues up-regulated 30700934 Detail
hsa-circRNA10628-6 circRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal uveal tissues up-regulated 30700934 Detail
hsa-circRNA11838-9 circRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal uveal tissues up-regulated 30700934 Detail
hsa-circRNA13657-1 circRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal uveal tissues down-regulated 30700934 Detail
hsa-circRNA4393-3 circRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal uveal tissues up-regulated 30700934 Detail
hsa-let-7b miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell lines OCM1 and OM431 down-regulated 25588203 Detail
hsa-let-7b miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 18477892 Detail
hsa-let-7b* miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-let-7d miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-let-7e miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples absence 19898689 Detail
hsa-let-7f miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-mir-1 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples absence 19898689 Detail
hsa-miR-1 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-101 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-106a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens blood down-regulated 23217102 Detail
hsa-miR-106a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal choroidal samples up-regulated 21509659 Detail
hsa-miR-107 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 detectable 25510783 Detail
hsa-mir-10a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples absence 19898689 Detail
hsa-miR-10b miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-1224-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-1225-3p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-1227 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-1227 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens plasma down-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-1234 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-1237 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-1238 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens plasma down-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-124 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 detectable 25510783 Detail
hsa-miR-124 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples; UM cell lines OCM-1A, MUM-2C, C918 and MUM-2B ; melanocyte cell line D78 associated 28749709 Detail
hsa-miR-124a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples and their adjacent uveal tissue counterparts; human UM cell lines M17, M21, M23 and SP6.5 down-regulated 23404119 Detail
hsa-miR-125a-3p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-125a-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 detectable 25510783 Detail
hsa-miR-125b miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 detectable 25510783 Detail
hsa-miR-125b miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens plasma up-regulated 24370793 Detail
hsa-miR-125b miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens cutaneous melanoma cell line G361; UM cell line OCM-113; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-126 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens blood up-regulated 23217102 Detail
hsa-miR-126* miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-127 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens serum down-regulated 27895580 Detail
hsa-miR-1274B miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens serum down-regulated 27895580 Detail
hsa-miR-129* miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples absence 19898689 Detail
hsa-miR-129-3p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-129-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 detectable 25510783 Detail
hsa-miR-1296 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-130b miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-133a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-133a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples absence 19898689 Detail
hsa-miR-134 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-134 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 26812476 Detail
hsa-miR-135a* miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-135a* miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-135b miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-mir-135b* miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples presence 19898689 Detail
hsa-miR-137 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens human UM cell lines M17, M2 and SP6.5; human uveal melanocytes um95; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293 down-regulated 21051724 Detail
hsa-miR-137 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens human RPE cell line ARPE-19, human normal liver cell line L‐02, human UM cell lines: SP6.5 and OM431 down-regulated 24001901 Detail
hsa-miR-137 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-137 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell lines Mel202 and OMM1.3 associated 26066330 Detail
hsa-miR-140 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples and paired normal tissues; UM cell lines MUM-2C, OCM-1A, MUM-2B and C918; melanocyte cell line D78 down-regulated 27725873 Detail
hsa-miR-140-3p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-140-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-142-3p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-142-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-143 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 26812476 Detail
hsa-miR-143 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 18477892 Detail
hsa-miR-143-3p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal uveal samples down-regulated 24762580 Detail
hsa-miR-144 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-144 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell lines MUM-2B, C918, MUM-2C and OCM-1A; human melanocyte cell line D78 down-regulated 25961751 Detail
hsa-miR-145 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal choroidal samples down-regulated 21509659 Detail
hsa-miR-145-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal uveal samples; human UM cell lines OCM-1 and MUM2B down-regulated 24762580 Detail
hsa-miR-146a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens vitreous humor, serum, UM tumor samples, choroidal melanocytes up-regulated 25951497 Detail
hsa-miR-146a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, serum up-regulated 27895580 Detail
hsa-miR-146a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens vitreous humor, serum, normal retinas, UM samples up-regulated 23441115 Detail
hsa-miR-146a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens plasma up-regulated 24370793 Detail
hsa-miR-146b miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 26812476 Detail
hsa-miR-149 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-149* miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 26812476 Detail
hsa-miR-152 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-mir-154 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples absence 19898689 Detail
hsa-miR-155 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens plasma up-regulated 24370793 Detail
hsa-miR-155 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens cutaneous melanoma cell line G361; UM cell line OCM-113; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-155 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens choroidal melanomas samples and their morphologically normal tissues; human UM cell lines OCM-1A, MUM-2C, C918 and MUM-2B; human melanocyte cell line D78 up-regulated 29333944 Detail
hsa-miR-155 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens NK cells; UM cell lines MUM2B, OCM1, NK-92, SKMEL-28, Daudi and K562 up-regulated 27565163 Detail
hsa-miR-15a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens cutaneous melanoma cell line G361 and GR-M; UM cell line OCM-1; cutaneous melanomas, UM samples, normal skin specimens up-regulated 26631117 Detail
hsa-miR-15b miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens plasma up-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-15b miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens cutaneous melanoma cell line G361; UM cell line OCM-113; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-16 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens blood down-regulated 23217102 Detail
hsa-miR-17 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal choroidal samples up-regulated 21509659 Detail
hsa-miR-17* miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-181a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-181a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens plasma up-regulated 24370793 Detail
hsa-mir-181a* miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples absence 19898689 Detail
hsa-miR-181a-2* miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-181b miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell lines SP6.5, VUP, OCM1, 92-1, OCM1a and MUM2b up-regulated 29382357 Detail
hsa-miR-181d miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-182 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens human UM cell lines M23 and SP6.5; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK-293; UM samples, normal uveal tissues down-regulated 22848417 Detail
hsa-miR-182 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens human RPE cell line ARPE-19, human normal liver cell line L‐02, human UM cell lines: SP6.5 and OM431 down-regulated 24001901 Detail
hsa-miR-183 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-185 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens cutaneous melanoma cell line G361 and GR-M; UM cell line OCM-1; cutaneous melanomas, UM samples, normal skin specimens up-regulated 26631117 Detail
hsa-miR-185* miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-188-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-18a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples absence 19898689 Detail
hsa-miR-18b miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-190 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-191 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens plasma up-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-193b miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-193b miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 18477892 Detail
hsa-miR-194 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-195 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples associated 30615885 Detail
hsa-miR-195 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-196a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-196a* miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples presence 19898689 Detail
hsa-miR-199a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens blood up-regulated 23217102 Detail
hsa-miR-199a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 18477892 Detail
hsa-miR-199a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 26812476 Detail
hsa-miR-199a* miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 18477892 Detail
hsa-miR-199a-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens plasma up-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-199a-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM‐1A; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293T up-regulated 30816460 Detail
hsa-miR-19a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens serum down-regulated 27895580 Detail
hsa-miR-19a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 detectable 25510783 Detail
hsa-miR-19b miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens plasma up-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-mir-19b-1* miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples absence 19898689 Detail
hsa-miR-203 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 detectable 25510783 Detail
hsa-miR-204 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal choroidal samples down-regulated 21509659 Detail
hsa-miR-204 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens cutaneous melanoma cell line G361; UM cell line OCM-113; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) differentially expressed 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-204-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal uveal samples down-regulated 24762580 Detail
hsa-miR-208b miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-20a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples; UM cell lines MUM-2B and MUM-2C; normal human melanocyte cell line D78 up-regulated 27356499 Detail
hsa-miR-20a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal choroidal samples up-regulated 21509659 Detail
hsa-miR-20a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens plasma up-regulated 24370793 Detail
hsa-miR-21 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal choroidal samples up-regulated 21509659 Detail
hsa-miR-21 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-21 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens vitreous humor, UM tumor samples, choroidal melanocytes up-regulated 25951497 Detail
hsa-miR-21 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens normal uveal tissues; UM cell lines OCM-1, M619 and MuM-2B up-regulated 30140627 Detail
hsa-miR-210 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens cutaneous melanoma cell line G361; UM cell line OCM-113; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-210 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 detectable 25510783 Detail
hsa-miR-211 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens cutaneous melanoma cell line G361 and GR-M; UM cell line OCM-1; cutaneous melanomas, UM samples, normal skin specimens up-regulated 26631117 Detail
hsa-miR-214 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 26812476 Detail
hsa-miR-216a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 detectable 25510783 Detail
hsa-miR-216a-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens human UM cell lines, human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293T; UM samples down-regulated 29763606 Detail
hsa-miR-217 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 detectable 25510783 Detail
hsa-mir-218 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples absence 19898689 Detail
hsa-miR-221 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens cutaneous melanoma cell line G361; UM cell line OCM-113; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-221 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens plasma up-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-222 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens cutaneous melanoma cell line G361; UM cell line OCM-113; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-222* miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-223 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens plasma up-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-223 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens plasma up-regulated 24370793 Detail
hsa-miR-224 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples associated 30615885 Detail
hsa-miR-224-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM‐1A; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293T down-regulated 30825222 Detail
hsa-miR-224-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens uveal tissues down-regulated 29095823 Detail
hsa-miR-23a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens plasma up-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-23b* miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-25 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 detectable 25510783 Detail
hsa-miR-25 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens plasma up-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-25 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens cutaneous melanoma cell line G361; UM cell line OCM-113; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-26a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens vitreous humor, serum, normal retinas, UM samples up-regulated 23441115 Detail
hsa-miR-26a-2* miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples absence 19898689 Detail
hsa-miR-27a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens human UM cell line C918 associated 19639204 Detail
hsa-miR-27a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens cutaneous melanoma cell line G361; UM cell line OCM-113; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-27a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens plasma up-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-296-3p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens choroidal melanocytes; UM cell line C918 down-regulated 29260433 Detail
hsa-miR-299-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-301a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-301b miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-30b miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens cutaneous melanoma cell line G361; UM cell line OCM-113; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-30d miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens cutaneous melanoma cell line G361; UM cell line OCM-113; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-30d miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens cutaneous melanoma cell line G361 and GR-M; UM cell line OCM-1; cutaneous melanomas, UM samples, normal skin specimens up-regulated 26631117 Detail
hsa-miR-30d miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens serum down-regulated 27895580 Detail
hsa-miR-30e miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-31 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens cutaneous melanoma cell line G361; UM cell line OCM-113; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-32* miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-320a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-320a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 detectable 25510783 Detail
hsa-miR-324-3p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-324-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-mir-325 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples presence 19898689 Detail
hsa-miR-328 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-335 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-335 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 detectable 25510783 Detail
hsa-miR-337-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-33a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-33a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples presence 19898689 Detail
hsa-miR-340 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-342-3p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens plasma up-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-34a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens vitreous humor, UM tumor samples, choroidal melanocytes up-regulated 25951497 Detail
hsa-miR-34a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens human UM cell lines M17, M21, M23 and SP6.5; human melanocyte cell line D78; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293; human UM specimens down-regulated 19029026 Detail
hsa-miR-34a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal choroidal samples up-regulated 21509659 Detail
hsa-miR-34a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens human RPE cell line ARPE-19, human normal liver cell line L‐02, human UM cell lines: SP6.5 and OM431 down-regulated 24001901 Detail
hsa-miR-34a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens cutaneous melanoma cell line G361; UM cell line OCM-113; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) differentially expressed 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-34a* miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-34b miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens human UM cell line SP6.5, human primary melanocytes; human UM specimens down-regulated 22419847 Detail
hsa-miR-34c miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens human UM cell line SP6.5, human primary melanocytes; human UM specimens down-regulated 22419847 Detail
hsa-miR-34c-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples absence 19898689 Detail
hsa-miR-362-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-365a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples associated 30615885 Detail
hsa-miR-365b miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples associated 30615885 Detail
hsa-miR-367 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples and paired non-tumorous tissues; UM cell lines M17, M23, MUM-2B and C918; normal uveal melanocytes (um95) up-regulated 28829890 Detail
hsa-miR-369-3p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples absence 19898689 Detail
hsa-miR-369-3p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-370 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-370 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 detectable 25510783 Detail
hsa-miR-371-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-376a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens cutaneous melanoma cell line G361; UM cell line OCM-113; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-376c miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples absence 19898689 Detail
hsa-miR-376c miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens cutaneous melanoma cell line G361; UM cell line OCM-113; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-377 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples absence 19898689 Detail
hsa-miR-378 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-378* miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-378* miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-378d miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal uveal samples up-regulated 24762580 Detail
hsa-miR-378g miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal uveal samples up-regulated 24762580 Detail
hsa-miR-384 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-423-3p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-431* miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-432 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-4430 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens dog UM samples up-regulated 28512868 Detail
hsa-miR-4454 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens dog UM samples up-regulated 28512868 Detail
hsa-miR-449b miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-449b miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-451 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens serum down-regulated 27895580 Detail
hsa-miR-452 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples associated 30615885 Detail
hsa-miR-454 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples and their morphologically normal tissues; human UM cell lines OCM‐1A, MUM‐2C, C918 and MUM‐2B; human melanocyte cell line D78 up-regulated 26296312 Detail
hsa-miR-455-3p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-455-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-4709 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples associated 30615885 Detail
hsa-miR-4742-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens dog UM samples up-regulated 28512868 Detail
hsa-miR-484 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-486-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-486-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 detectable 25510783 Detail
hsa-miR-493* miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples absence 19898689 Detail
hsa-miR-495 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples absence 19898689 Detail
hsa-miR-497* miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples presence 19898689 Detail
hsa-miR-499-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-500a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens dog UM samples up-regulated 28512868 Detail
hsa-miR-505 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-506 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-507 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-508-3p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM‐1A; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293T down-regulated 30816460 Detail
hsa-miR-508-3p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-509-3-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-509-3-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM‐1A; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293T down-regulated 30816460 Detail
hsa-miR-509-3p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-512-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples presence 19898689 Detail
hsa-miR-513a-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM‐1A; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293T down-regulated 30816460 Detail
hsa-miR-513a-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-513b miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-513c miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples associated 30615885 Detail
hsa-miR-513c-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM‐1A; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293T down-regulated 30816460 Detail
hsa-miR-514 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-514a-3p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM‐1A; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293T down-regulated 30816460 Detail
hsa-miR-518b miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-518c miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-518d-3p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-518f miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens serum down-regulated 27895580 Detail
hsa-miR-523 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens serum up-regulated 27895580 Detail
hsa-miR-532-3p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-532-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-541 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-542-3p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-549 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples presence 19898689 Detail
hsa-miR-551b miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens cutaneous melanoma cell line G361; UM cell line OCM-113; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) differentially expressed 24675509 Detail
hsa-mir-556-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples presence 19898689 Detail
hsa-miR-566 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-571 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-577 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-579 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-584 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-585 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples presence 19898689 Detail
hsa-miR-586 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples absence 19898689 Detail
hsa-miR-588 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-592 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM‐1A; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293T up-regulated 30816460 Detail
hsa-miR-592 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-595 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-623 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-624 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-624* miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-628-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-629* miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-mir-640 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples presence 19898689 Detail
hsa-miR-651 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-651 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-652 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 18477892 Detail
hsa-miR-654-3p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-654-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-654-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens plasma down-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-655 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-660 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-663 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens plasma down-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-663 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-665 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-668 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-671-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-744 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-767-3p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-7702 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples associated 30615885 Detail
hsa-miR-873 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples associated 30615885 Detail
hsa-miR-875-3p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-876-3p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-885-3p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-mir-885-5p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples presence 19898689 Detail
hsa-miR-892b miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-9 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 detectable 25510783 Detail
hsa-miR-9 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens human UM cell lines MUM-2B, C918, MUM-2C and OCM-1A down-regulated 22825752 Detail
hsa-miR-9* miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-9* miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens liver perfusate, blood; human malignant melanoma cell line A375; human malignant melanoma cell line MML-1; human breast cancer cell line HTB-133; human lung carcinoma cell line HTB-177; human mast cell line HMC-1.2 detectable 25510783 Detail
hsa-miR-92a-3p miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell lines OCM-1, OCM-3 and 92.1; UM samples, normal skin specimens down-regulated 27620505 Detail
hsa-miR-92b miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, plasma up-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-93 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens plasma up-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-935 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-miR-944 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-96 miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) up-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa-miR-99a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 27453764 Detail
hsa-mir-99a* miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples presence 19898689 Detail
hsa-miR-99b* miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OCM-1; normal human epidermal melanocytes (NHEM) down-regulated 24675509 Detail
hsa_circ_0032148 circRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal uveal tissues down-regulated 30700934 Detail
hsa_circ_0047924 circRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal uveal tissues up-regulated 30700934 Detail
hsa_circ_0053943 circRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal uveal tissues up-regulated 30700934 Detail
hsa_circ_0054525 circRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal uveal tissues down-regulated 30700934 Detail
hsa_circ_0056902 circRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal uveal tissues up-regulated 30700934 Detail
hsa_circ_0096593 circRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal uveal tissues down-regulated 30700934 Detail
hsa_circ_0097065 circRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal uveal tissues up-regulated 30700934 Detail
hsa_circ_0102350 circRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal uveal tissues down-regulated 30700934 Detail
hsa_circ_0103232 circRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal uveal tissues up-regulated 30700934 Detail
hsa_circ_0108830 circRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal uveal tissues up-regulated 30700934 Detail
hsa_circ_0119311 circRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal uveal tissues down-regulated 30700934 Detail
hsa_circ_0119871 circRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal uveal tissues up-regulated 30700934 Detail
hsa_circ_0119872 circRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal uveal tissues up-regulated 30700934 Detail
hsa_circ_0119873 circRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal uveal tissues up-regulated 30700934 Detail
hsa_circ_0128533 circRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal uveal tissues up-regulated 30700934 Detail
hsa_circ_0133460 circRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal uveal tissues down-regulated 30700934 Detail
hsa_circ_0138937 circRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal uveal tissues down-regulated 30700934 Detail
hsa_circ_0138938 circRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal uveal tissues down-regulated 30700934 Detail
hsa_circ_0138940 circRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal uveal tissues down-regulated 30700934 Detail
hsa_circ_0138941 circRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal uveal tissues down-regulated 30700934 Detail
hsa_circ_0138943 circRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal uveal tissues down-regulated 30700934 Detail
HULC lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
JPX lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell lines MUM2B, 92.1, OCM1, OCM1A, OM431 and SP6.5; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293T; RPE cell line ARPE19; female uveal tissue cell line FPC1 down-regulated 28330694 Detail
KB-1732A1.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
LINC-ROR lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line 92.1, OCM1 and MUM2B; UM samples up-regulated 26169368 Detail
LINC00115 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
LINC00297 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
LINC00304 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
LINC00311 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
LINC00327 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
LINC00466 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
LINC00518 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
LINC00977 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
LINC01057 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
LINC01106 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
LINC01123 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
lncRNA-numb lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell lines OCM-1, OCM-1A, Mum-2B and SP6.5; immortalized fibroblast cell line HDF up-regulated 27449031 Detail
MALAT1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples and paired normal tissues; UM cell lines MUM-2C, OCM-1A, MUM-2B and C918; melanocyte cell line D78 up-regulated 27725873 Detail
mml-miR-548c miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Macaca mulatta dog UM samples up-regulated 28512868 Detail
mmu-miR-27a miRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Mus musculus UM samples associated 19639204 Detail
Notch1 siRNA siRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens human UM cell lines OCM1 and VUP associated 22937170 Detail
Notch1 siRNA siRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Mus musculus UM samples associated 22937170 Detail
P2RX7-V3 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell lines MUM2B and OM431; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293T up-regulated 27468714 Detail
PAUPAR lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens human UM cell lines MUM2B, OCM1, OM431; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293T; human RPE cell line ARPE-19 down-regulated 27214741 Detail
PKA siRNA siRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens human UM cell line 92.1, Mel270, OCM-1 and TP31 associated 16452469 Detail
PKCβ shRNA shRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell lines Mel202, Omm1.3, C918 and Mel285 associated 22253748 Detail
PKCε shRNA shRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell lines Mel202, Omm1.3 and C918 associated 22253748 Detail
PKCθ shRNA shRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell lines Mel202, Omm1.3, C918 and Mel285 associated 22253748 Detail
PVT1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, skin melanoma samples up-regulated 29244840 Detail
RASSF1A siRNA siRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples, normal scleral/choroidal tissue; human UM cell lines: 92.1, Mel270, OCM-1, Mum2B, TP17, m2, m2F associated 21788308 Detail
RHPN1-AS1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line OM431, OCM1; RPE cells up-regulated 28124977 Detail
Rictor shRNA shRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens human cutaneous cell line A375; human UM cell line MUM‐2B associated 28699701 Detail
RP1-272L16.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP1-79C4.4 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-1149M10.2 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-128L5.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-12M5.4 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-143A22.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-148L24.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-148O21.6 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-14N7.2 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-150O12.3 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-15H20.7 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-15I11.3 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-17E13.2 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-181E10.3 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-1C8.5 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-254I22.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-258F22.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-262H14.3 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-302M6.5 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-304F15.4 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-307C19.2 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-313D6.3 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-329N22.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-333O1.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-351J23.2 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-354A14.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-367J11.3 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-367N14.3 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-370F5.4 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-379B18.5 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-379B8.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-381N20.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-383J24.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-387H17.4 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-394I13.2 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-395G23.3 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-408B11.2 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-408E5.5 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-419I17.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-426C22.6 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-435O5.7 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-439C15.5 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-452H21.4 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-457M11.5 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-461L13.4 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-488C13.7 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-495K9.5 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-495P10.7 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-496D24.2 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-533E19.7 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-539L10.3 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-542B15.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-551L14.4 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-575H3.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-602N24.3 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-613D13.8 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-626H12.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-642M2.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-643A5.2 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-666A20.4 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-667K14.3 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-672F9.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-705O1.8 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-71E19.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-766N7.3 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-794G24.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-797D24.3 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-803B1.8 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-803D5.4 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-863P13.3 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-879F14.2 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-879F14.3 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-930P14.2 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP11-98G7.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP13-616I3.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP13-977J11.2 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP3-355L5.5 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP3-454B23.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP4-550H1.4 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP4-655J12.4 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP4-777O23.2 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP4-811H24.9 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP5-1050E16.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP5-834N19.1 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP5-903G2.2 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP5-940F7.2 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
RP5-963E22.4 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
SCGB1B2P lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
SDCBP siRNA siRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens human UB cell lines Mel 270 and 92.1 associated 22267972 Detail
SOS1 siRNA siRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell line M23 associated 30714452 Detail
SPACA6P-AS lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
SPARC siRNA siRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens human UM cell lines SP6.5, MKTBR and OCM-1; transformed human melanocyte cell line UW-1 associated 19661316 Detail
TCONS_00000637 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00001049 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00001626 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00002511 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00003875 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00003932 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00004101 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00004102 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00004115 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00004119 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00004845 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00005600 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00005604 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00005612 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00005614 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00006199 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00006749 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00006776 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00008169 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00010728 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00011428 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00012452 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00012463 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00012664 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00012670 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00012816 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00014094 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00014691 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00015511 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00015518 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00019184 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00021816 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00024291 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00028051 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00028318 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00034325 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00034334 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00038470 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00038483 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00040991 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00041982 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00041991 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00045086 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00045405 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00048611 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00050077 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00053435 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00053639 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00056396 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00058398 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00058406 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00058409 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00060671 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00060675 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00060715 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00061684 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00063280 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00063291 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00063323 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00066046 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00067656 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00067660 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00067662 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00067664 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00067673 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00070966 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00073372 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00077006 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00077982 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00079730 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00084884 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00084895 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00087662 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00088217 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00088467 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00093805 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00099892 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00103343 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00107718 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00107725 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00107956 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00113745 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00114527 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00117696 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00117737 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00121025 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00121784 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00121831 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00121841 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00131278 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00131431 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00133423 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00133431 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00133650 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00136408 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00136409 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00137743 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00139588 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00144682 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00145282 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00148295 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00148408 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00148409 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00151467 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00152167 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00153695 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00157546 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00160032 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00160915 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00165544 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00165549 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00165778 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00168124 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00168132 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00168134 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00168140 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00168142 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00168588 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00168826 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00169789 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00170125 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00170380 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00170381 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00170384 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00170503 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00171922 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00172568 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00174193 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00174204 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00174974 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00181571 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00184304 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00184966 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00188710 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00189109 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00189112 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00189114 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00192630 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00192814 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00192840 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00192862 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00193066 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00193093 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00193344 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00196789 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00197283 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00198396 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00200289 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00200334 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00204781 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00207435 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00208584 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00209032 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00209037 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00210060 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00212298 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00212468 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00212961 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00213567 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00213571 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00213579 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00213628 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00213854 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00214923 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00216518 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00216606 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00218420 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00218427 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00219150 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00219821 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00220203 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00220208 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00220209 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00220735 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00223095 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00226044 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00226201 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00226204 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00227284 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00228161 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples up-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00229523 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00230457 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00231759 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00231762 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00232449 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TCONS_00239670 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail
TPI1 siRNA siRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens primary UM cell line 92.1 associated 22570344 Detail
XIST lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM cell lines MUM2B, 92.1, OCM1, OCM1A, OM431 and SP6.5; human embryonic kidney cell line HEK293T; RPE cell line ARPE19; female uveal tissue cell line FPC1 up-regulated 28330694 Detail
XXbac-BPG55C20.7 lncRNA uveal melanoma (UM) Homo sapiens UM samples down-regulated 29240458 Detail

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